Getting pregnant after miscarriage

Physically, you can get pregnant again immediately after a very quick, relatively simple miscarriage. It is best to wait until you have had your first normal period. This also applies if the excavation has been done. Therefore: it is best to continue taking folic acid pills straight away.

You can reach our vaccine experts by telephone TK Midwives at 040 – 46 06 61 91 70. Midwives advise Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Outside of these times, inquiries and calls will be forwarded to TK Medical Center doctors.

Recurrent miscarriage (habitual miscarriage)
Have you become pregnant again and experienced another miscarriage? If there are three or more miscarriages in a row with the same partner, it is called habitual miscarriage. It is frustrating when the desire to have children is very high and there is no successful pregnancy. Since such a situation can be very stressful for the partnership, psychological support can be helpful.

Now is the right time to medically clarify possible physical causes. For example, the causes can be genetic or hormonal. Uterine malformations, fibroids or adhesions may also play a role. And metabolism also has an effect on the ability to give birth. Women with diabetes or who are very overweight have an increased risk of miscarriage. Depending on the test results, it may be necessary to treat the underlying disease first. Discuss how to proceed with the doctor treating you.

Re-pregnancy after ectopic pregnancy
After an ectopic pregnancy, one in five women will have a second ectopic pregnancy. After two ectopic pregnancies, the risk is also 70 percent. If the fallopian tubes are intact, another pregnancy is possible after about six months. After removal of the fallopian tubes or after drug therapy, one or two normal menstrual periods suffice as a waiting period. After pregnancy outside the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, for example in the abdominal cavity, the timing should be determined individually. If you are pregnant again, pregnancy should be started medically early and checked for ultrasound.






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air egg
After fertilization of the egg, the so-called amniotic sac develops in the uterus, in which the embryo later grows. However, if your amniotic sac remains empty, it is called a diaper egg. Here the pregnancy ends in the first or second month of pregnancy. A scraping is not necessary. Menstrual bleeding starts again.

bladder mole
In about 1 in 1000 pregnancies in Europe, an error in fertilization results in overgrowth of placental tissue (placenta), the so-called hydatidiform mole. The embryo is usually completely absent. On the other hand, in ultrasound, you can see bubble-shaped tissue that looks like soap scum. Possible symptoms of a hydatidiform mole may be bleeding, increased nausea, an enlarged uterus and high levels of pregnancy hormone (ß-hCG) in the blood.

Since a hydatid mole can also spread beyond your uterus and can be fatal, depending on its severity, it should always be surgically removed. Your hormone levels will then be checked regularly until pregnancy hormones are detected. Depending on the type of mole, further testing is required over the next six months. You should not become pregnant during this time. Reliable contraception is therefore important here mechanical or hormonal contraceptive methods would be possible.

ectopic pregnancy
If the embryo has implanted itself in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or cervix, the pregnancy must be terminated. An indication of this is a positive pregnancy test with an empty uterine cavity from the sixth week of pregnancy.

Doctors monitor your pregnancy hormones closely. If these continue to increase, pregnancy should be sought. Depending on where the embryo is located, it will be removed. If the value of the pregnancy hormone drops on its own, the fetus does not move. If you have neither pain nor bleeding, only your blood values ​​will be checked until pregnancy hormones can be detected.

If you are diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy without bleeding and your circulation is stable, a single dose of the drug MTX could possibly save you an operation. From about the sixth week, an ectopic pregnancy can also make itself felt through severe unilateral pain, bleeding and circulatory problems. Your fallopian tubes become too narrow for the fetus and may burst. This is a life-threatening emergency, an emergency call should be made immediately. A ruptured fallopian tube requires immediate surgery.

After an ectopic pregnancy, the risk of having another defective pregnancy increases.

Everyone deals with this situation differently
Dealing with the loss of a child is as personal as an individual. There is no right or wrong reaction, just as there is no right or wrong feeling. This is important for you and your partner to know now so that you don’t get bogged down in feelings of guilt or accusations.

you are not to blame
Unfortunately, you can’t really prevent a miscarriage from happening. Even if it is painful, it leaves a feeling of helplessness and provides no real comfort: Miscarriages are common. About 30 out of 100 women will experience a miscarriage at least once in their lifetime. 10 to 15 pregnancies out of 100 end in miscarriage.

Why it’s important to get help now
The loss of a child is a shock and triggers massive stress that can be traumatic. In addition to normal stress responses, it can result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or prolonged grief disorder (prolonged grief).

You may have social support or you may prefer to find out on your own what happened. It may also be that professional support can help you process what happened.

No matter what others say – there is no specific time in which one may have processed a loss like this. Take the time you want. Pain and all other feelings are justified. With psychologists, you can develop strategies for dealing with feelings of sadness, anger, or powerlessness in your relationships and conflicts in your daily life. Medical help may not make your pain go away, but it can help you find a way to live with it. You are not and are not alone in this.

If it helps, join a support group in your area. There you can exchange ideas with others who have experienced a similar situation.

You can reach our vaccine experts by telephone TK Midwives at 040 – 46 06 61 91 70. Midwives advise Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Outside of these times, inquiries and calls will be forwarded to TK Medical Center doctors.

help for ectopic pregnancy
In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, also known as an extra uterine pregnancy, it may be that medical help is helpful in dealing with it. Due to a complicated diagnosis or a necessary operation, the damage often recedes into the background. So that it doesn’t happen to you again later, psychotherapy can help process the loss.

What is Miscarriage?
In the event of a miscarriage, the pregnancy ends before the child is viable. A baby is considered clinically viable after the 23rd week of pregnancy and weighing 400 g at birth. If the pregnancy ends after this time, the baby speaks of premature birth if it is born alive.

In such a situation, special measures are taken to keep the child alive. This includes drugs for lung maturation and intensive care treatment. However, if the baby has already died in the womb, it is called a stillbirth.

Miscarriages also split at times. Early miscarriage is abortion before the 13th week of pregnancy. A miscarriage that occurs after the 16th week of pregnancy is called a late miscarriage.

If the miscarriage is due to natural causes, then the doctor speaks of spontaneous abortion. On the other hand, there are so-called artificial abortions, that is, artificially induced abortions through pharmacological or chemical measures. An example of this is abortion.

Some women have recurrent miscarriages. Doctors then talk about habitual abortion.

According to the guidelines of the European expert societies, it is a habitual abortion if a woman has had three or more consecutive miscarriages before reaching the 22nd week of pregnancy. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommends habitual abortion after two consecutive miscarriages.


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  25. Miscarriage at 8 weeks
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  31. Miscarriage at 4 weeks
  32. Miscarriage at 10 weeks
  33. Miscarriage at 9 weeks
  34. Miscarriage fetus at 8 weeks
  35. Miscarriage at 5 weeks
  36. Early miscarriage
  37. Missed miscarriage
  38. Miscarriage bleeding
  39. Threatened miscarriage
  40. Spontaneous abortions
  41. Stress can cause miscarriage
  42. Painful miscarriage
  43. Types of miscarriage
  44. Recurrent miscarriage
  45. Miscarriage treatment
  46. Reasons for miscarriage
  47. Early miscarriage
  48. Missed miscarriage
  49. Pregnancy after miscarriage

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