how to terminate a pregnancy in second trimester

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How to terminate a pregnancy in second trimester. Contact me i will solve ur problem

Despite the simplicity and clarity of this issue, as well as modern medical advances in the field of contraception, the frequency of unwanted pregnancies remains significant.

In World, only 25% of women of childbearing age use modern methods of contraception. As a result, 75% of women put themselves at risk of unwanted pregnancy.

An unplanned pregnancy resulting from sex without the use of contraception is not always desirable, and the woman resorts to terminating the pregnancy (abortion).

The impact of abortion on a woman’s health and subsequent ability to bear a child is extremely adverse. Before getting an abortion, you need to think again whether the decision is too hasty.

If abortion is decided and intentionally, the patient, after consultation with the doctor, chooses the method of termination of the unwanted pregnancy. There are two ways to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester (up to 12 weeks): surgical and medical.

Surgical abortion – removal of the ovum with surgical instruments and anesthesia. There are two types of surgical abortion: vacuum aspiration and curettage of the walls of the uterine cavity.

Symptoms of the first week of pregnancy: how long do they last?

Symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy are very subjective.

Not all women, in fact, feel the same signs over time: some expectant mothers begin to feel the first ailments much earlier, others do not know anything until the first visit to the gynecologist Is.

Generally, alarm bells of a possible pregnancy are indicated by a delay of the cycle (typically, starting after 10 days of fertilization).

In most cases, other symptoms are felt by the fifth to sixth week of gestation, which is about 3-4 weeks after conception.


Symptoms of the first week of pregnancy: how are they recognized?

Symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy can be varied and numerous and vary from woman to woman. Sometimes, even the same mother may experience two pregnancies differently.

In some cases, it is possible that the desire for motherhood influences perceptions and suggests that you are pregnant.

Other times, it is used to confuse the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy with those of a simple flu or premenstrual disorders.

may occur, especially if the pregnancy is not planned.

amenorrhea or absence of menstruation

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy that a woman of childbearing age and sexually active thinks about when she suspects she is pregnant is a delayed period.

If after conception, a lack of flow on the expected day (or close to it, depending on your menstrual regularity) is a strong sign of the onset of pregnancy.

Obviously, a delay in menstruation is not always to blame for this condition.

Menstrual flow may be delayed or not present due to several factors such as:

sudden change in weight;

the stress;

Climate change;

Taking special medicines

To remove doubts, a home pregnancy test can be done.

If a woman’s menstrual cycle is a 28-day regular menstrual cycle, this can be done from the first day of delayed menstruation, that is, approximately 7 days after the implantation of the fertilized egg and 14 days after the expected conception. In general, these devices are able to identify the beta-hCG hormone 8 to 11 days after ovulation.

However, since:

Not all tests are able to detect the minimum concentration of the hormone in the urine And

It is not always possible to establish the exact moment in which the ovulation phase occurs, especially when cycles are irregular,

It is best to do the test four or five days after the delay of menstruation.

In any case, if the test is done correctly, you can wait a few days and repeat the test to confirm the result (often, there are two sticks in the package).

When a home pregnancy test is positive, it is practically certain that pregnancy has begun, but it is advisable to confirm the result through a blood sample (plasma test) and to arrange the first gynecological visit. Is.

If the result is doubtful or negative and the delay in menstruation continues, it is a good idea to speak to your doctor or your gynecologist.

Pregnancy test – when can it be done and how to interpret the result

small bleeding

Embryo implantation spotting is one of the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy that is accompanied by the loss of small, bright red or dark colored blood. These drops of blood occur, in some cases, about a week or two after fertilization of the egg (just when menstrual discharge would be expected), when the embryo begins the process of nesting in the endometrium of the uterus.

Implant spotting can be confusing for a woman, as it can resemble a very light menstrual flow. In fact, these anemias are among the symptoms of the first few weeks of pregnancy.

When pregnancy has just begun, there may also be minor blood loss due to other reasons, such as rupture of capillaries in the cervix (this organ is actually full of blood during the waiting months) which can occur after intercourse . If bleeding becomes abundant, it is better to consult your gynecologist in time.

White vaginal discharge

From the beginning of pregnancy, some women notice the appearance of a milky-looking white discharge. This symptom may be the result of thickening of the vaginal wall, a completely harmless phenomenon that begins almost immediately after conception.

However, if associated with an unpleasant odor, burning or itching, it is advisable to speak to a doctor to rule out whether there is a bacterial infection or Candida fungus at the base of the damage.

breast pain

Symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy include changes in the breasts and nipples.


From the first period of pregnancy, the breasts increase in volume and become sluggish due to the effects of estrogen and progesterone.

Within a few days after conception, the breasts may hurt or be particularly sensitive. The tension that can be felt in the first weeks of pregnancy is similar to what many women feel before menstruation. The breasts may also become covered with more noticeable veins.

These symptoms subside within a few weeks: this is enough to give the body time to adjust to the new hormone levels.

Areola and nipples

Other symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy include nipples, which may be dilated and more sensitive than usual. On the other hand, the circle may darken, become purple, and may widen.

nausea in the morning

During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, about 80% of pregnant women suffer from so-called “morning nausea.” This unpleasant sensation is accompanied by vomiting in about half the cases and a strong aversion to certain smells, such as, for example, of coffee.

Some pregnant women experience this disorder, but experience it as a minor annoyance that doesn’t compromise daily life.

Although we speak of “morning” nausea, it should be noted that this symptom associated with pregnancy is not limited to the early hours of the day: it occurs more often in the morning, but can actually appear at any time. May be day or night.

Causes and symptoms

Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy

Like other symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy, Some women start feeling nauseous as early as a month after conception, while some women do not have any problem at all for the entire period of pregnancy. In most cases, morning sickness disappears between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy, or by the third month; However, on some occasions, the disturbance continues beyond the 20th week. In general, it is advised to consult a doctor if malaise persists and prevents retention of any food or drink in the stomach. Usually morning sickness does not pose any threat to the health of the baby, but when it is very severe it can indicate the presence of pregnant hyperemesis. The latter condition requires specialist treatment and sometimes hospitalization.

fatigue and a strong desire to sleep

One of the most common symptoms of the first few weeks of pregnancy is fatigue.

Tiredness and drowsiness result from the new hormonal and metabolic structure being established to welcome a new life: a week after conception and more commonly, especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, an increase in progesterone Causes a feeling of fatigue with an irresistible desire to sleep and rest. The dilation of blood vessels, low blood pressure and low blood sugar can even cause dizziness and fainting.

Unless there are other health problems, pregnancy-induced fatigue is not serious and can only be dealt with by getting plenty of rest and enriching your diet with foods rich in protein and iron.

Abdominal cramps

Pain and cramping in the lower abdomen may be felt in the first weeks of pregnancy. This manifestation occurs as a result of the expansion of the uterus, which dilates to make room for the development of the fetus.

If the pain is particularly severe and persists for several days, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist, as they may indicate the presence of some minor or more serious pathology, such as:

urinary tract infections;



Fallopian tube rupture during ectopic pregnancy.

to know more:

abdominal pain in pregnancy

frequent urination

One of the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy is the urge to urinate more often than usual. This phenomenon is dependent on increased blood circulation during gestation, resulting from the formation of the placenta, and the action of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the muscles of the bladder, thus making it more difficult to hold urine.

Pollackuria usually does not occur with the exact onset of pregnancy, but does occur a few weeks later. The increased need to go to the bathroom to empty the bladder usually begins between the sixth and eighth weeks of conception.

If you suspect it is not due to a simple result of pregnancy, but is related to a urinary tract infection or health problems (for example, diabetes), it is a good idea to talk to your doctor.

mood swings

Already from early pregnancy hormones affect many sensations and can cause irritability and mood swings, so the woman is likely to feel more emotional and fragile, prone to tears and anxiety, but also more euphoric. Is.

Other symptoms of the first week of pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the following may also occur:

unexplained feeling of unwell

increased sensitivity to certain odors and changes in taste (such as a strange metallic smell in the mouth, aversion to coffee, lack of interest in tobacco, etc.);

profuse salivation than usual;

Changes in appetite (for example, unusual cravings for certain previously indifferent foods);

Feeling like abdominal pain or bloating in the first few days of menstruation

back pain;


to know more:

sciatica in pregnancy

Do these symptoms always indicate pregnancy?

Some of the manifestations listed as symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy may be due to other reasons. However, if the various disorders are associated with specific organic signs (such as breast tenderness, increased uterine volume, etc.), the diagnosis of pregnancy is practically unambiguous.


In case of delayed periods, it is always important to consider the possibility of pregnancy: if your period is a few days late, it is always good to do a pregnancy test (easily available at the pharmacy).

First week symptoms: When to take pregnancy test?

The test should be done if menstruation has failed and may be repeated after 7 days, trying to follow the instructions correctly.

Other tests that may be done in case of suspicious symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy include:

hormonal dosage;

blood analysis;

Pelvic ultrasound.

to know more:

Morphological ultrasound in pregnancy

Pregnancy test: which one to buy?

The fastest and most effective tool to know for sure whether you are pregnant, or to rule it out, is a pregnancy test. There are a variety on the market, both in pharmacies and on major e-commerce portals, primarily Amazon. Thanks to One Day Shipping, you can buy a safe and accurate pregnancy test online with certainty You can expect that it will reach your home in a very short time. The most modern pregnancy tests give almost 100% certain results from the first days of the delay in the menstrual cycle.

The pregnancy test with week indicator is the most recommended by Amazon users, as it not only indicates a clear result (“pregnant” or “not pregnant”) in words on the digital display screen, but, if the result is “pregnant”. “It also measures hCG levels to indicate the number of weeks from conception: 1-2, 2-3 or greater than 3 (3+).

With the Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator, you can test 5 days before you miss your period (4 days before your expected period). The “pregnant” result can be detected up to 5 days before the delay in menstruation. Those who have bought the product on Amazon highly recommend it for its practicality and the double-testing that is in the package.

Pregnancy Stick Test – Easy@Home is the best seller on Amazon in the markets of US, Canada, UK and Spain. This pregnancy test detects hCG levels as low as 10mIU/mL. The operation is very simple: just dip the test in urine for 5 seconds and read the result within 3-5 minutes. Two line means pregnant and one line means not pregnant. The T line may be lighter in color in early pregnancy. A pregnancy test can be used at any time, but the first urine in the morning is better. The package contains 20 hCG tests in 20 individual sealed packs, so it is easy to store, convenient and accurate to use. User manual in Italian is included. The free Premom app can log the data of each measurement, scientifically based on your physical condition to help you get pregnant quickly.

We also find l MomMed among the most popular pregnancy tests on Amazon, which comes equipped with a non-slip handle and 6mm strips that deliver a test result with 99% accuracy. Again, the first morning urine sample is ideal for a pregnancy test. Urine can be collected optimally with a suction tip and after 5 minutes it will give test results: 2 lines are positive and 1 line is negative. MomMed pregnancy tests have a standard sensitivity of 25mIU/mL, which is the recommended cut-off level. The detection accuracy of hCG/LH above the cutoff value is over 99% when used correctly.

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to know more:

Pregnancy testhow it works and when to do it?

Some advice Many symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy can be easily alleviated or resolved with a few measures, such as: Try to eliminate or reduce stress with some relaxing and enjoyable activity, such as reading a book or going for a walk. Between meals, chew dry foods, such as crackers or breadsticks. Nausea occurs more easily on an empty stomach; Avoid taking stimulants that may aggravate symptoms (tea, coffee, energy drinks, etc.);Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided (both strongly contraindicated in pregnancy);

Take natural remedies, such as relaxing infusions or herbal teas;

Pay attention to intimate hygiene, use specific products so as not to change the balance of vaginal bacterial flora; Avoid using clothing that is too tight and glued, which may irritate the genital area, in favor of rubbing;

Make sure you have plenty of hydration;

Eat foods rich in fiber and practice moderate physical activity, such as gymnastics or long walks: Movement helps with bowel movement; Meet the needs of the body that is changing and rest whenever needed, without waiting for your strength to reach its limits.


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